January 25, 2024

Guide for Flashing the Debug file, EmToken and combination Firmware via EDL

Follow these steps carefully to flash the debug file on your phone using the EDL cable. This guide assumes you have already ordered the necessary token and are ready to proceed.

Guide for Flashing the Debug file, EmToken and combination Firmware via EDL

Guide for Flashing Debug file via EDL Mode

Follow these steps carefully to flash debug file on your phone using the edl cable EDL. This guide assumes you have already ordered the necessary token and are ready to proceed.

If not, put the phone in download mode and send us the DID number so we can generate your EmToken File before you proceed. Ensure the Combination File is downloaded on your computer before starting the process.

Note: Performing these actions incorrectly may result in damage to your phone. Proceed with your own risk, caution and ensure you understand each step before proceeding.

Step 1: Prepare Your Phone

After receiving the EmToken, perform a factory reset on your phone and turn it off completely.

Step 2: Prepare the EDL Cable

  1. Tape the EDL cable button to ensure it remains pressed during the process. Be generous with the tape to secure a constant press.
  2. Make sure you have the correct Qualcomm driver installed or download it.

Step 3: Connect to Power

  1. Connect the EDL cable to a power supply using a Samsung or iPhone power cube.

Step 4: Enable QCM Port

  1. Connect the powered-off phone to the EDL cable.
  2. Quickly press the volume down button 4-6 times within 3-5 seconds.
  3. Disconnect the phone immediately.

Note: If the battery sign or charging indication appears, it means the procedure was not successful. Wait for 10 seconds after the phone turns off and redo the steps.

Step 5: Connect to Computer

  1. Reconnect the phone to the computer using the original Samsung USB cable.
  2. Open Device Manager, go to Ports.
  3. Check if the Qualcomm port appears ( detected ). If it doesn't, repeat Steps 3 and 4. Some phones may require pressing the volume down button 5-8 times.

Caution: Ensure the phone is properly turned off before attempting to enter EDL mode. If you encounter any issues or uncertainties, refer to your device's official documentation or seek professional assistance.

Flashing the Debug File

  1. Cpid Server support will provide you with the debug files.
  2. Ensure the phone is connected in EDL Mode (verify in Device Manager that the Qualcomm driver is detected correctly).
  3. Open the debug file and click on the BAT file to start the flashing process.
  4. The phone will reboot and may display a crashing error. Reboot the phone to download mode manually for the next step.

Flashing the EmToken File

  1. Open Patched ODIN and select AP. Choose the EmToken file and start flashing.
  2. After the flashing is completed, the phone may reboot with a crashing error. Reboot the phone to download mode manually for the next step.

Flashing the Combination File

  1. Open Patched ODIN and select AP. Choose the combination file and start flashing.
  2. After the flashing is completed, the phone should reboot normally. If the device is stuck, perform a factory reset.

After successfully following these steps, your device will be ready for IMEI repair. Contact Cpid Server support to initiate the IMEI repair process.

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